Executive Committee

Committee Members for 2025:

Stephen Whitburn (Chair)
Steve Goble (Vice Chair)
Monica Montgomery Steppe
Sean Elo-Rivera
Steve Vaus
Chula Vista Rep.
Patricia Dillard

For calendar year 2025, the Audit Oversight Committee, the Budget Development Committee, and the Executive Committee meeting have been merged into one Joint Committee known as The Joint Audit Oversight, Budget Development and Executive Committee. Meetings are held on Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. (unless otherwise noted) at:

Metropolitan Transit System
James R. Mills Building
Board Meeting Room - 10th Floor
1255 Imperial Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101

Building Access:
Please note that all visitors will enter through the right side of the main entrance, complete security screening through metal detectors, and establish the reason for their visit with security staff.

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Agenda & Materials
Final Pkg.
Video Recording
Agenda & Materials
Final Pkg.
Video Recording