Committee Members for 2024:
Nora Vargas (County Representative)
Monica Montgomery Stepps (County Representative)
Agency FPPC Reports
Statement of Economic Interests – Form 700
The Political Reform Act (Gov. Code Section 81000-91014) requires most state and local government officials, consultants, and employees to publicly disclose their personal assets and income. They also must disqualify themselves from participating in decisions that may affect their personal economic interests. The FPPC is the state agency responsible for issuing the Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700, and for interpreting the law’s provisions.
For additional information regarding the Form 700, please visit the FPPC website.
Copies of Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) can be obtained from MTS’s Clerk of the Board by calling 619.398.9561 or
Conflict of Interest Code
The Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 81000, et seq., requires government agencies to adopt and promulgate a Conflict of Interest Code. The most recent version of the Conflict of Interest Code lists positions who have been designated to disclose their financial interests.