Rider Alert! Beginning Feb. 1, MTS Security will issue citations to riders who don’t have a valid fare. Security will no longer validate fares on board. Riders must tap every time, every ride before boarding.
A citation results in a $25 fine if cleared through the MTS Diversion Program.
To avoid a citation, tap or scan your PRONTO card or app at a validator before boarding – every time, every ride!
What: Riders will automatically receive a citation if they don’t have valid fare while riding beginning Feb. 1, 2025. Riders can clear their citation by paying a $25 fine or three hours of community service.
If the citation is not cleared within 120 days, it may result in an estimated $192 fine or more in traffic court.
Riders will also have the ability to appeal the citation directly to MTS in select cases. Riders with no previous citations will have the opportunity to have their first citation (received after Feb. 1, 2025) dismissed when they appeal through the Diversion Program.
Current Process |
New Process (Beginning Feb. 1, 2025) |
Process |
Current Process: Riders caught without a valid fare during MTS Security inspections are offered the chance to buy a fare on-the-spot or receive a citation. In order to avoid the citation being sent to court, riders can clear it through MTS Diversion Program. |
New Process (Beginning Feb. 1, 2025): Riders caught without a valid fare during MTS Security inspections will be issued a citation immediately. MTS Security will no longer offer a chance to buy a fare or validate fares on-the-spot. |
Option 1 |
Current Process: a. Buy a fare at a neaby ticket vending machine or the next Trolley stop. |
New Process (Beginning Feb. 1, 2025): Resolve the citation through the MTS Diversion Program by paying a $25 fine and avoid having the citation sent to Traffic Court. Riders with no previous citations will have the opportunity to have their first citation dismissed when they appeal through the Diversion Program. |
Option 2 |
Current Process: Receive a citation if refusing or unable to purchase a fare. |
New Process (Beginning Feb. 1, 2025): Do not participate in the MTS Diversion Program within 120 days and pay through Traffic Court (estimated $192 fine). |
What Riders Need to Do: Prior to boarding the Trolley or bus, riders must purchase a valid fare or tap a fare payment method (i.e. PRONTO card, app or contactless payment option such as a credit card) and tap or scan their pass on a validator every time, every ride.
Why: MTS has found that more than 57,000 riders per month are not paying their fare unless an on-the-spot payment is taken by an MTS Security officer while the rider is already on board. Since MTS Security officers are not inspecting the fares of every rider on every trip, this has been costing MTS approximately $1 million per month in unpaid fares. MTS depends on that lost revenue coming in to keep service levels high and fares low for everyone.
Where: MTS will focus education and enforcement primarily on the Trolley system, where the issue is mostly happening. The bus sytem is not experiencing the same level of fare evasion as riders must tap or scan their form of payment while boarding under bus operator oversight. However, if a fare inspection is conducted by a Security officer on a bus and a rider has not paid, they will also be subject to the citation process.
When: MTS will conduct education efforts in November 2024 – January 2025 about the new process. Then, beginning on February 1, 2025, MTS Code Compliance Inspectors will begin issuing citations to everyone who doesn’t have a valid fare while onboard.
Who: Any riders on the MTS bus and Trolley system.
How: Citations will be given out in person to any riders who don’t have a valid fare while riding the MTS system.
No. Day Passes and Month Passes are paid for up front. Riders should still tap on a validator every time, every ride prior to boarding to ensure the fare is still valid.
If a rider is given a citation but can prove they had a valid Day or Month Pass at the time of the citation, they can appeal the citation with MTS.
All riders are expected to have a valid fare. Bus operators and Code Compliance Inspectors (CCI) are trained and are required to ask all customers to provide fare or a valid pass in order to utilize MTS’s service. For youth riders, this means having a Youth PRONTO card or app account.
- You can get immediate temporary ‘Youth’ status on your PRONTO card or app account by calling PRONTO Support at 619-595-5636. Each card is only eligible for temporary access one time. During that time, riders should use the online application or go to the MTS Transit Store or NCTD Customer Service Center to get verified.
If, however, someone appearing to be around 15-18 is riding without a fare, they may be asked to show proof of their age to confirm whether they are a youth or not. In this case, youth could show:
- A valid school photo ID
- Login to their online school grade system that shows their photo/grade
- A driver’s license or other ID that shows their birthdate and photo (photos of IDs like driver’s licenses, passports, etc. will also be accepted)
In these situations, MTS bus operators and CCIs are trained to educate youth about the need and the process to get signed up for Youth Opportunity Pass (YOP). Please note: a school ID or other ID that shows your age is not considered a valid fare. While a school ID or other ID may be shown to confirm age and/or avoid citation, it is not considered a valid fare for riding the bus or MTS services.
If a youth rider does not present valid fare or Youth PRONTO card or app account upon request, and does not have proof of their age to show they are a youth, it may result in the need to pay for a one-way fare in order to utilize MTS services.
In more limited circumstances, another potential consequence of riding without a valid fare is that it could lead to a citation for fare evasion. This limited case may occur if an individual that appears to be over 18 years old to CCI 1) does not have a valid fare or Youth PRONTO card, 2) has no proof of age and 3) and chooses not to pay for a one-way fare in order to utilize MTS services. In this instance, if issued a citation for fare evasion, and you have proof that you are eligible for a Youth PRONTO card or app account, visit the MTS Diversion Program and choose the option to appeal citation. MTS will aim to void any citation eligible for MTS Diversion Program that was issued to a youth rider.
MTS wants to avoid these situations in which a youth may have to pay a one-way fare or be cited and highly encourages all youth riders register for a Youth PRONTO card or app account.
It is MTS’s aim to do the best we can to ensure youth riders can utilize the benefits of the YOP program. If a youth rider has any experience that does not follow the process as described above, please let us know as soon as possible so we can review and take the appropriate action as necessary. Contact customerfeedback@sdmts.com, or call 619-557-4555.
Riders will be able to pay a $25 fine online, over the phone, in-person or by mail through the Fare Citation Diversion Program. Riders can also opt to do three hours of community service instead of paying the fine. There is also a limited appeals process for riders who can prove they did have a valid fare, or the ticket machine or PRONTO fare system was down at time of boarding.
No, as long as additional trips are within the two-hour transfer window.
No. Contactless payments are valid payment forms (i.e. direct tap or scan on a validator with a credit card), and MTS Code Compliance Inspectors have devices to verify if a payment was made with contactless payment. If the card presented does not show a valid fare, you will be given a citation.
Riders can validate their fare at a station validator, or at a ticket machine. See photos below for examples of where to validate. Please note: station validators may be located at the end of the platform. Ticket machines only valid PRONTO cards, not apps.
All bus riders must have a valid fare while riding and could be subject to a citation if they do not have one.
MTS Security officers have the authority to board buses and issue citations to riders who don’t have a valid fare.
Generally, MTS Security will deboard a passenger in order to issue a citation and allow them to continue to ride to their intended destination immediately after being cited. However, there may be certain circumstances in which MTS Security may require a passenger who has just been cited for fare evasion to buy a fare to continue to ride (e.g. passenger has been found multiple times throughout the day riding without valid fare).
MTS offers the ability to have a citation waived, on a one-time basis, by requesting a one-time waiver. If granted, your citation will be voided and you will not have to also pay a reduced fine of $25 citation or complete 3 hours of community service. To be eligible, the citation must be your first citation issued since February 1, 2025 and you must request it within 120 days of being cited. If you already resolved your first issued citation by paying $25 or completing 3 hours of community service, you are no longer eligible for this one-time waiver. You also may not “save” this one-time waiver for a second or subsequent citation. Please note, if you were cited previously for fare evasion before February 1, 2025, that will not limit your eligibility for this one-time waiver.
Resolve your MTS Fare Citation
Effective September 1, 2020, certain fare violation citations may be resolved with MTS through a Diversion Program. Participating in the Diversion Program can save you money and time. You may be eligible to avoid court and receive a reduced penalty by resolving this citation directly with MTS. MTS will not submit your fare citation to court if you perform one of the below options.
Eligibility Requirements:
To be eligible for the Diversion Program, citation must meet the following 2 minimum requirements relating to the type of violation and date of violation.
- Type of Violation: Only fare violation citations are eligible for Diversion Program. Only 1 of the following violations may be listed on the citation in order to be eligible for Diversion Program:
- MTS Ordinance 2 / PUC 120450
- Penal Code 640(c)(1)
- Penal Code 640(c)(2)
Where are violations listed? Click here for an example.
- NOT ELIGIBLE CITATIONS: If citation lists 2 or more violations or violation Penal Code 640(c)(3) "misuse of reduced fare", then the citation is NOT eligible for Diversion Program.
- Date of Citation: Issued on or after September 1, 2020. Any citations issued before September 1, 2020 are not eligible for Diversion Program.
You can resolve your citation with MTS by paying a reduced fine of $25 within 120 days.
- Pay Online
- Pay $25 online using Square and confirm citation eligibility. Accepts debit and credit card, Cash App, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.
- Payment must be received by MTS within 120 days of the issuance of the citation.
- Citation number and date must be provided at the time of payment.
- If successfully processed, you will receive a letter or email confirming your citation has been voided.
- Pay by Phone
- Pay $25 by calling PRONTO support at (619) 595-5636.
- Accepts debit and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover).
- Payment must be received by MTS within 120 days of the issuance of the citation.
- Citation number and date must be provided at the time of payment.
- If successfully processed, you will receive a letter or email confirming your citation has been voided.
- Pay in Person
- Pay $25 (cash, credit card, or check/money order payable to "MTS") in person at the Transit Store at 1255 Imperial Ave, Ste. 100A, San Diego CA 92101. ID is required with check and credit card payments.
- Complete this form (Spanish) and bring with you to Transit Store, along with a copy of your citation (your citation will be handed back to you after processing by Transit Store staff).
- Payment must be received by MTS within 120 days of the issuance of the citation.
- If successfully processed, you will receive a letter or email confirming your citation has been voided.
- Pay by Mail
- Pay $25 (check or money order payable to "MTS" only) by mail. Cash is not accepted by mail. Please write the citation number on the check.
- Complete this form (Spanish) along with a copy of your citation and a check or money order, and mail to:
MTS Transit Store, 1255 Imperial Ave, Suite 100A, San Diego CA 92101. - Payment must be received by MTS within 120 days of the issuance of the citation.
- If successfully processed, you will receive a letter or email confirming your citation has been voided.
You can resolve your citation by completing 3 hours of community service within 120 days.
- San Diego Food Bank
- Schedule a 3 hour shift at San Diego Food Bank through their website: sandiegofoodbank.org
- When registering online, make sure to include your citation number in the requested field. When you arrive at San Diego Food Bank alert the Volunteer Coordinator you are performing community service for MTS. San Diego Food Bank will then email proof of your participation directly to MTS.
- The 3 hour shift must be completed within 120 days of issuance of citation.
- If successfully processed, you will receive a letter or email confirming your citation has been voided.
- Homeless Court Program Provider (e.g. Father Joe’s Villages)
- Schedule a 3 hour shift with a Homeless Court Provider by emailing sandiego@homelesscourtprogram.org or by calling 619.717.6101.
- When scheduling, alert staff you are performing community service for MTS. Homeless Court will then submit proof of your participation directly to MTS.
- There are no eligibility requirements to participate with a Homeless Court Program Providers. Anyone may participate.
- The 3 hour shift must be completed within 120 days of issuance of citation.
- If successfully processed, you will receive a letter or email confirming your citation has been voided.
If this is your first Diversion Program eligible citation issued since February 1, 2025, you may request a one-time waiver in order for the citation to be voided. One-time waivers must be requested within 120 days of when the citation was issued. If you already resolved your first Diversion eligible citation issued as of 2/1/2025 by paying $25 or completing 3 hours of community service, then you are no longer eligible for a one-time waiver. The one-time waiver cannot be “saved” or utilized for a second or subsequent citation
- You can submit your one-time waiver request online or mail/drop off at Transit Store
- Option 1: Submit your one-time waiver request online
- Option 2: Alternatively, you may mail or drop off your One-Time Waiver Request at the Transit Store (1255 Imperial Ave, Suite 100A, San Diego CA 92101) using the One-Time Waiver Request Form.
- MTS will review your request.
- If the request is granted, your citation will be voided and not sent to court. MTS will send you confirmation that your citation has been voided.
- If the request is denied, MTS will send you notice that your citation is denied and the reason for the denial. If denied, your citation will continue to be held by MTS until 120 days from the date of issuance of the citation. You may still pay a reduced fine of $25 or complete 3 hours of community service within 120 days from date of issuance of citation in order to void the citation.
You may request a written appeal within 15 days with proof of valid fare or that ticket machine was broken.
Appeals must be requested within 15 days of when you citation was issued.
- You can submit your appeal online or mail/drop off at Transit Store
- Option 1: Submit your appeal online
- Option 2: Alternatively, you may mail or drop off your Appeal Request at the Transit Store (1255 Imperial Ave, Suite 100A, San Diego CA 92101) using the Limited Appeal Form (Spanish).
- Acceptable proof of valid fare include:
- Providing PRONTO Card number, providing PRONTO Receipt Order number, or providing date, time and location of where you purchased a paper ticket.
- If appealing due to a broken ticket machine, provide the date, time and station where the ticket machine was not working properly.
- MTS will review your request.
- If the appeal is granted, your citation will be voided and not sent to court. MTS will send you confirmation that your citation has been voided.
- If the appeal is denied, MTS will send you notice that your citation is denied and that your citation will continue to be held by MTS until 120 days from the date of issuance of the citation. You may still pay a reduced fine of $25 or complete 3 hours of community service within 120 days from date of issuance of citation in order to void the citation.
If you do not complete the above options within the prescribed time, MTS will submit your citation to San Diego Superior Court for adjudication. Once filed in court, the presumptive fine is about $192 (including court fees) or more. Additional fines may be assessed for failure to appear or failure to pay by the required date. After submitting the citation to court, MTS has no control or discretion over how the citation will be adjudicated and processed.
Late Completion of Diversion Program
MTS wants to help individuals avoid the impacts of the court system. MTS will accept late completion of the Diversion Program, so long as participation occurs on or before the notice to appear date, which can be found at the bottom of your citation. How MTS can help with your court case depends on how close the notice to appear date is. The following table explains your options.
Timeline: At least 2 weeks or more before the Notice to Appear Date |
Action to be taken: Upon completion of Diversion Program, MTS will file Motion to Dismiss with court. |
Description: MTS cannot guarantee the Judge will grant the Motion to Dismiss. It is your responsibility to check the status of your case with the court (contact information for the court is below). |
Timeline: On or less than 2 weeks before the Notice to Appear Date
(2 options) |
Action to be taken: 1. Upon completion of Diversion Program, you can request an extension with the Court. |
Description: If date to appear extension is granted, notify MTS and MTS will file a Motion to Dismiss, so long as new notice to appear date is at least 2 weeks away or more. MTS cannot guarantee the Judge will grant the Motion to Dismiss. It is your responsibility to check the status of your case with the court (contact information for the court is below). |
Action to be taken: 2. Upon completion of Diversion Program, you can request a trial with the Court. |
Description: MTS will provide you with a Request for Dismissal letter that you can show directly to the Judge at the trial that states that you have completed the MTS Diversion Program and thus MTS requests that the court dismiss the citation. In addition, a subpoena will be issued by the court ordering the MTS Code Compliance Inspector (CCI) to appear at the trial. The CCI will also notify the Judge that you have completed the MTS Diversion Program and that MTS requests dismissal of your citation. |
If MTS receives notice that the Motion to Dismiss was denied or that you were found guilty of fare evasion despite late completion of the Diversion Program prior to your notice to appear and/or trial date, MTS will attempt to refund your $25.00 payment to the mailing address provided on the Diversion Program Payment Form. You may also directly request a refund by emailing DiversionProgram@sdmts.com or by calling 619-557-4548 if you can show proof that despite late completion of the Diversion Program, the Motion to Dismiss was denied or that you were found guilty.
Post-Conviction Relief
If your court case has already been adjudicated and you were found guilty of fare evasion, there are various post-conviction relief measures you can participate in to help reduce the fees/fines owed to the court and/or clear your record. The following table explains your options.
After Notice to Appear Date* or if found guilty of fare evasion by the court
*If you failed to appear by your notice to appear date, the court may have additionally charged you with failure to appear, adding additional court fees and fines.
Action to be taken: You can request Financial Assistance from the court |
Description: If you have a financial hardship or inability to pay the court fines, you may be able to request that the court provide a payment plan, give a time extension, reduce the fine amount, or allow community service in lieu of the fine. Even if your case has been referred to collections, you may still request an ability-to-pay determination. Information on how to properly submit this request to the court can be found at sdcourt.ca.gov or by googling “SD court financial hardship”. |
Action to be taken: You can participate in the Homeless Court Program |
Description: You may be eligible to receive help with your court case, fines, or fees through the Homeless Court Program. If you participate and meet the requirements of an approved Homeless Court Program Provider (e.g. Social Service organization), your court case may be resolved through the Homeless Court. Visit homelesscourtprogram.org or call 619-717-6101 for more details. |
Action to be taken: You can participate in the Fresh Start Program |
Description: Your citation may be eligible for dismissal or expungement through the Fresh Start Program. Eligibility generally requires: that it has been one (1) year after your conviction for a fare evasion citation; you are not on probation, under supervision, or serving a sentence for any other case; and you are not currently charged with any other offenses. For further details about the Fresh Start Program, email Fresh.Start@sdcounty.ca.gov. |
Court Contact Information
There are multiple divisions of the San Diego Superior Court. Which court divisions your citation was sent to depends on where you were issued a citation. To identify which court your citation was sent to, please view the bottom of your citation to see which court division has been marked. The following table provides the contact information for each court division if you want to check on the status of your case, ask for an extension, request a trial, or you have any other court-related questions.
San Diego Traffic Court |
858-634-1800 |
6950 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego CA 92123 |
South County Court |
619-746-6200 |
500 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 |
East County Court |
619-456-4100 |
250 E. Main St., El Cajon CA 92020 |
Feedback Requested
The Diversion Program is a new, pilot program for MTS. Your feedback on whether this FAQ on late completion of the Diversion Program provided clear, understandable information is important for MTS to receive. Also, if you had positive or negative experiences at the court trying to prove your successful completion of the Diversion Program and have your citation dismissed, we would also like to hear about this experience too. Please contact the MTS Diversion Program at DiversionProgram@sdmts.com with your feedback.
If you have multiple fare evasion citations, even if the citations have passed the 120-day deadline, MTS can work with you on establishing an individualized plan to resolve your citations. This could include: reducing the total number of community service hours to complete, or allowing participation in certain social service programs, as a way to resolve your citations. Please email diversionprogram@sdmts.com or call 619-557-4548 to request further assistance with your citations.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the Diversion Program, please email diversionprogram@sdmts.com or call 619-557-4548.