What do artificial limbs, baby strollers, a car engine and a kitchen sink have in common? These items, and many more, have been turned in as Lost & Found items to the MTS Transit Store over its 30 years of existence.
Transit Store staff are kept on their toes, and not just because of peculiar Lost & Found items. Transit Store Supervisor Adrian Paniagua and his six full-time staff handle the bulk of customer service for the agency. Transit Store staff work with MTS passengers to help purchase or reload new Compass Cards, distribute Senior, Disabled and Medicare (S/D/M) photo ID cards, reunite customers with their lost items and more.
1,300 Average number of photo Compass Cards issued per month in 2015
9,000 Lost & Found items processed by the Transit Store in 2015
Founded in 1986, the Transit Store turns 30 this year and will be getting a makeover! The store is slated to move to the MTS headquarters at 1255 Imperial Avenue in downtown San Diego in Summer 2016. The new Transit Store will have enhanced clerk stations, speeding up service; added customer information areas, including video monitors and (eventually) a trip planning kiosk; and will be conveniently located at a major transfer point.
“The Transit Store team strives to provide our customers the in-person assistance they may need to be able to maximize their experience with our transit system,” said Paniagua. “We want to provide efficient service for riders, including card sales, lost and found retrieval and photo Compass Cards, while also educating them about how our system works, and we believe the new location overall is going to offer more convenience with its proximity to all three Trolley lines and the MTS headquarters.”
Save the Date: Transit Store moves Summer 2016! Keep an eye out for additional information at the current Transit Store, or online at sdmts.com/TransitStore or the MTS Facebook and Twitter pages.