Real-Time Arrival Info In Your Hands


MTS continues to look at ways to put new technology in rider’s hands to enhance rider experience. MTS has added a more user-friendly, third-party application, OneBusAway, to improve real-time information available to passengers. With OneBusAway, smartphone users can download the free app to get real-time information at their fingertips. 

Tips for using OneBusAway: 

Browse stops in multiple ways. OneBusAway conveniently displays all MTS stops with display icons on a map. You can also find your stop by entering the address or stop ID in the search tool, or browse stops on an alphabetical list. 

Check back often. The app refreshes every 30 seconds, so if you checked the real-time info a while ago, you may want to check again closer to the original arrival time in case the bus is running ahead or behind schedule. 

Save your favorite stops. If you routinely use the same stops, bookmark them in the app for easy reference. 

OneBusAway currently tracks real-time information for most MTS bus routes, and displays scheduled information for Trolley Lines. Real-time Trolley information is in development. Learn more 

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