The Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) operates a traditional fixed-route bus and light rail system. All rail cars and buses are ramp or lift equipped, in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). MTS also operates a paratransit division, MTS Access, for those riders with disabilities who have been certified as functionally unable to use fixed-route service. MTS Access provides complementary services that “mirror” the level of MTS regular fixed-route service being offered within a ¾ mile radius of a bus route or bus or trolley station. MTS Access is operated by First Transit through a contract with MTS. Eligibility certification for MTS Access is also conducted through a contract with a third-party vendor.
As part of MTS’ ongoing commitment to service to the disability community MTS is making some revisions to its ADA certification process for determining eligibility to MTS Access service. MTS has contracted with a new vendor and will be implementing these revisions to the eligibility process. All other aspects of the program will remain the same at this time.
Check back soon for the updated application!
Revisions include:
- Improved application and medical certification form
- Phone interview
- In-person assessment/interview at MTS Eligibility Center
- Confirmation of specific eligibility categories
- Program changes will begin on December 1, 2016.
- Medical Transportation Management (MTM) is the new vendor, replacing ADARIDE. MTM is a national company with experience and expertise in paratransit service and eligibility administration
- All new applicants will be required to go through the revised application process
- Current riders will go through the revised process when their current eligibility expires
- In-person assessments will take place at the centrally located MTS Eligibility Center, located at 100 16th Street, 92101 in downtown San Diego.
- MTM will use flexible, convenient scheduling with each individual for the in-person assessment
- MTS will provide Access transportation (at no charge) to/from the in-person assessment if needed
- Assure the quality and availability of services for all customers who meet the ADA guidelines
- Assure ADA regulatory compliance
- Assure the accuracy and consistency in the application process and eligibility decisions
- Assure fairness to all customers
If an applicant is found to be ineligible for Access service, he/she will be given information regarding the MTS SDM program, fixed-route travel information, and any other transportation alternatives that may be more suitable for him/her. For answers to questions, or to apply for certification/re-certification, please call 844.299.6326 (TTD/TTY 711) or email Access@sdmts.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does this mean to existing Access Customers?
Nothing until your certification comes up for renewal. This means that MTS has commenced an internal customer and quality assurance review of the entire MTS Access Paratransit service; focusing on providing adequate tools and procedures for MTS customer needs. The in-person assessment is a new tool provided for customers to better assess their individual transportation needs. Existing MTS Access customers will continue to be eligible for service until the expiration of their current certification period. As usual, MTS will mail out renewal notices 60 days prior to the expiration of your current certification and at that time you will be required to go through the revised process, including the in-person assessment.
Why does everyone have to go through an in-person assessment?
MTS’ goal is to ensure that every person applying for MTS Access Paratransit Service is adequately certified as eligible in accordance with ADA so that MTS can meet each individual’s transportation needs.
Will there be a cost to me?
No, there is no cost associated with attending the eligibility process or attending the in-person assessment.
Can I bring someone with me to the in-person assessment?
Yes, MTS’ enhanced customer and quality assurance service is focused on better assessing the customer’s eligibility and distinctive transportation needs in line with the ADA. You are welcome to bring any companion you may require for the in-person assessment.
If my doctor says I need MTS Access service do I automatically qualify?
No, but make sure your health care provider (HCP) accurately completes the application. Both the customer and health care provider (HCP) applications have been revised and brought up to date in line with the ADA.
How do I schedule an in-person assessment?
After you have completed the application package, you must call the toll free number 844.299.6326 and a customer service representative will gladly work with you to schedule an appointment at a time that is most convenient.
How will I get to the in-person assessment?
You may use any means of transportation you desire to attend an in-person assessment. The MTS Assessment office(s) are conveniently located in Downtown, San Diego at 100 16th Street, 92101. You also have the option of scheduling an Access trip free of charge only if you do not have any other available means of transportation.
How long will the phone interview and/or the in-person assessment take?
The phone interview can take about 10-15 minutes and the in-person assessment should take no more than 45 - 60 minutes.
I recently applied for re-certification and was given a temporary certification. What does that mean?
While MTS is in the process of applying these enhanced tools and procedures, all current and new customers are being issued temporary certifications by ADARIDE. Once the new vendor, MTM, is in place after December 1st, MTM will be contacting customers that were given temporary certification and completing the revised process for up to a three (3) year certification.
How do I check my current certification expiration date?
Call ADARIDE at 877.232.8433 until December 1. After December first call 844.299.6326.
What happens if I am not determined eligible for MTS Access Paratransit Service?
MTS will provide you information for alternative transportation sources such as the MTS SDM program. Information regarding the appeals process will be available with the eligibility determination letter.