Help Develop a Shared Vision of Transit for San Diego
The San Diego region is at a major turning point. Suburban sprawl has reached its limit. Freeways are almost built out. Housing prices are out of reach for many. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Achieving Climate Action Plan goals and addressing climate change are paramount.
Recognizing this, leaders throughout our region are enacting new strategies to keep San Diego a desirable, sustainable and attainable place to live. And at the heart of all these strategies is the need for new mobility solutions to better connect people and communities today and into the future.
Elevate SD 2020 is an unprecedented public participation effort by the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System to develop a shared vision of transit in San Diego.
We need your help. Learn how you can participate, be informed, provide input and develop solutions to the region’s most pressing challenges by visiting the Elevate SD 2020 official webpage.

Community Advisory Committee Meetings
Neighborhood-based organizations provide input.
Timeline: APR, JUN, SEP, DEC 2019, FEB 2020

Working Group Outreach
Build consensus among groups with common goals
Timeline: APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG 2019, JAN, FEB, MAR 2020

Booths/Tables at Community Events & Transit Centers
Let’s chat.
Timeline: MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG 2019, JAN, FEB, MAR 2020

Partner with Social Service Organizations and Non-Profits
Help spread the word.
Timeline: MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG 2019, JAN, FEB, MAR 2020

Online Forum and Surveys
Get into the details from the comfort of your sofa.
Timeline: JUN, JUL, AUG 2019

Telephone Town Halls
Join the conversation and let us know what you think.
Timeline: JAN, FEB, MAR 2020