How much is driving alone costing you?
Commute Cost
These are the costs when the price of fuel, parking, subsidies and car ownership are considered for driving alone.* Taking transit could mean big savings.
These are the costs when only the price of fuel, parking, memberships and subsidies are considered for your commute. Choosing options other than driving alone means savings.
Driving Alone
Save with MTS (unlimited rides)
$ {{ relatedCostsDaily | fixFloat }}
$ 6.00
$ {{ relatedCostsMonthly | fixFloat }}
$ 72.00
$ {{ relatedCostsAnnual | fixFloat }}
$ 864.00
*The figures use AAA's estimate of the average cost per mile, based on the driving costs for nine vehicle categories weighted by sales at 15,000 miles per year. The average cost per mile for the year 2021 is estimated at 0.64 cents, and includes such items as fuel, maintenance, insurance, and depreciation. Click here for details.